
Without community support through the generous donations like yours, the Hawaii Chinese Buddhist Society could not fulfill its work.


The Board Members want you to know that we very much appreciate your donation and will utilize it to the best of our ability to carry out our mission of maintaining the Tan Wah Temple and continuing to offer a safe and clean environment for all our visitors and congregations.


We welcome all donations, big or small. 100% of the funds will go to supporting the daily operations of the temple as well as the maintenance of its facilities and the memorial halls. The Hawaii Chinese Buddhist Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your donation is tax-deductible.


You may drop off your donation at the temple or mail a check payable to the Hawaii Chinese Buddhist Society with "DONATION" in the memo line to:


Hawaii Chinese Buddhist Society

1614 Nuuanu Ave
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817


If you need assistance or have any questions, you may call (808) 533-6758 or email us at tanwahtemple@gmail.com. You may also message us through our contact page.


We humbly thank you for all of your support!